News & Updates

March 16, 2024

Hey everyone! We've published some updates to share with you today!

  • Users can now follow publicly listed trees
  • Added a public News & Updates page at
  • Design updates to the dashboard
  • Fixed a bug causing an error upon login
  • Fixed a bug causing pronouns not to save correctly for new sims
  • Fixed a bug causing the tree description not to save.
  • Some other minor bug fixes and optimizations

March 09, 2024

The next update to Sims Legacy Hub will be coming soon; I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and publish it early next week. There will be a short period of downtime while the system updates, as usual. This update is mostly server-side fixes and optimizations, as well as design updates to the dashboard. This update will include a new feature that allows anyone to follow trees. Followed trees will display on your profile below your own trees (if you have any). It will also address a number of bugs, including an issue affecting logging into the site that some users have reported.

A lot of the work in this update is in preparation for a near-future update of a public gallery. The public gallery will be a browseable list of your public cloud trees. Trees on the gallery will have optional comment sections as well. Stay tuned for more to come soon.

February 01, 2024

We've published an update to the Sims Legacy Hub app today. This is update is mostly focused on bug fixes and optimizations, but there are a couple new things too.

Here's the rundown:

  • New search boxes for Life Stages, Occult Types, Traits, Aspirations, and Careers on the Sim editor.
  • Store multiple trees locally in your browser.
  • Fixed drag & drop images bug
  • Released a fix for browser-crashing bug (see below)
  • Performance improvements / optimizations

As part of the update, we've restructured how the app saves tree data to your browser, so if you're currently using the free browser version, you'll need to visit to update your tree data to the new version.

If you have been experiencing browser crashes, unfortunately you will need to reset your browser's tree data; you can do this either by clearing your browser cache, or visiting

January 20, 2024

We have been deep in the ruts of working through some of the issues that y'all have been facing! We have released quite a few updates recently that should mitigate a lot of the bug issues that everyone has been mentioning!

We as a team (Dev) has been working really hard at trying to fix all these issues, AND add more and more features that we are very excited to share soon!!

  • Slow website load times have been resolved!!
  • Crashing Issues are being mitigated!!

We have a lot more planned, but our number 1 priority right now is mitigating all bugs/fixing all crashes, but there is so much more that we have planned!!

If you are still experiencing a crashing or other bug, please use ⁠bug-reporting so we can get to work on fixing it ASAP!

We are trying our best to make Sims Legacy Hub the best we can! So please feel free to give any ideas, things you want to see in our future updates! It might take some time as we are a small team working on squashing all the bugs possible, but we see/talk about every message we see!!

January 06, 2024

New updates are on their way! Here are the things to look forward to:

  • GalleryID on profile now links to EA Gallery
  • Free browser-saved tree is now displayed next to the cloud saved trees on the account page
  • New Relationship: Affair
  • Relationships have been categorized and assigned line color by category. This can be toggled on and off to your preference using the o key or the button on the top toolbar.
  • Traits, Aspirations, and Careers now available for your Sims, as well as support for custom entries of each
  • Zoom in & out on the tree using the mouse wheel, the zoom slider on the top toolbar, or the + and - keys
  • Bug fix affecting the syncing and saving of some trees

As always, the team here at SLH hopes @everyone enjoys the new updates and creating your legacies!

December 20, 2023

Some updates will be going live today shortly after 2:00 pm PST. There will be a slight interruption in service during this time, which is expected to be no more than 10-15 minutes. Here's a rundown of the updates that will be coming:

  • Select and move multiple Sims. Hold down the shift key and click sims to select them, then hold one of the selected sims to drag.
  • Custom life stages, life forms (part of life stages), occult types, and pronouns, can be added in the Manage Tree menu (formerly the Edit Tree menu)
  • Increased resolution of uploaded Sim profile photos.
  • Download, Import and Export buttons have been moved to the Manage Tree menu.
  • A Reset Tree button has been added to the Manage Tree menu. This button will completely clear the current tree.
  • New relationships: Roommate, Parent, Stepparent, Stepchild, Pollinated, Cousin, Crush
  • New Occult Type: Tragic Clown
  • A Lock button will allow you to lock and unlock Sims to disallow or allow movement.
  • A new button allows you to hide or show the relationship tag.
  • Keybinds:
    • n Opens the New Sim form
    • g Toggles grid snap
    • l Toggles line snap
    • d Toggles dark mode
    • s Shows your shareable links
    • m Opens the manage tree menu
    • [spacebar] Focuses the Sim search box, and enter will center on first result.
    • c Collapses or expands the sidebar
    • e Opens the Edit Sim form while hovering over a Sim with the cursor.
    • a Opens the Add Relationship form while hovering over a Sim with the cursor.
    • k Locks or unlocks a Sim while hovering the cursor over it.
    • v Shows or hides a Sim while hovering the cursor over it.
    • escape Close popups, the inspector, or clears selected Sims depending on context.
    • enter Submits/accepts the current popup window (just like clicking the checkmark button).
  • Improvements to the tree reporting system.
  • Visual updates to the UI, including some mobile improvements.
  • Button interaction text descriptions.
  • Sizing slider on image uploader.
  • Fix a bug potentially causing duplicate or overwritten trees.

December 13, 2023

We've pushed updates through to the subscription system today.

We've added:

  • Yearly subscriptions
  • EUR currency support
  • Introducing: The Pancake subscription ($0.79/month, €0.69/month)
    The Pancake Subscription tier is a single cloud save option and 500 sims on your tree and a shareable link!

We also updated the language on the footer of the subscription page to help clarify how subscriptions and resubscriptions work:

All plans will automatically renew until cancelled at the end of their duration. To purchase a subscription, click the appropriate button above for the plan you would like to subscribe to. To change your subscription level, duration, or to cancel, click the 'Manage Current Subscription' button at the top of this page. Upgrading your subscription is prorated with your current subscription and will update immediately upon successful payment. Downgrading or cancelling your subscription will update your subscription level at the end of the current duration. Downgrading your subscription may result in account credit that will be applied to future payments before you are charged again. Please contact with any questions or to request assistance with your subscription.

December 10, 2023

Exciting news! We've got some fresh updates just released. Here's what you need to know:

  • Now you can mark your cloud-saved Trees as public or private with a simple button on the dashboard.
  • Get ready for some new occult types! We've added Bonehilda, Father Winter, Flower Bunny, Grimm, and Yamichan to spice up your game.
  • Adding occult types to your sim? We've got you covered! You'll now see their color indicator right on the form.
  • We've added SLH social links to the footer, so you can easily connect and stay in the loop.
  • Plus, we've made some minor UI updates and fixed a few bugs to enhance your experience.

December 07, 2023

The Updates just keep rolling out and this is a BIG one!

  • You can now Import/Export your tree!!!
  • Each import/export is tied to your specific email address
  • When creating a new tree, you can import from the get-go or do so in the tree editor!
  • This also works with the free/web based trees allowing you to:
    • Back up your tree
    • Transfer them to a new computer
    • Create multiple trees and swap them out depending on the tree you want to work on!!!

Here are a few things that we have in our back burner for some future updates:

  • Zoom functionality for the tree
  • New Occult Types
  • New Relationships
  • Locking your sims
  • Multi-Select Sims

December 04, 2023

Exciting updates just arrived! Here are some of the latest enhancements to the platform:

  • We've relocated the toolbar to the top, away from the sidebar, providing a more streamlined experience.
  • Introducing the new Sim search box, allowing you to easily filter and find specific sims from the list.
  • Sims will no longer open the inspector when moved, but only when clicked, ensuring smoother interactions.
  • Introducing the 'Line Snap' toggle, a new feature that will enhance precision in your designs giving it a more traditional tree style.
  • In addition to grid snap, we've added the ability to snap to halfway points, giving you even more control over alignment.

November 28, 2023

The updates keep coming!!!

Bug fixes:

  • Tree-corrupting issues should all be resolved
  • Two-way relationships (married and sibling) should now show on both sims detail boxes
  • Emojis and symbols should now be functional in your tree!
    *This may have caused some issues with existing trees, it should not have deleted any but you may have to go in and tweak some of your sims names!

New Features:

  • New relationships (engaged, twin, triplet)
  • Disowned relationship should now merge like child does for sims
  • The image selector ring for profile images now changes size depending at a rate more appropriate to the resolution of the image for a more consistent experience
  • Tumblr & Threads social links have been added to public profiles
  • Dark Mode!!!! (this is based off of your browsers settings, not a toggle on or off!)

We will keep you up to date here with any more changes as we approach go-live and after!

Thank you all for being such an amazing community and sharing your honest thoughts and feedback along the way!!

November 25, 2023

Fresh updates just in!

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved the characters bug
  • Improved clarity in relationships

New Features:

  • Toggle Sims and relationships on/off!
  • Introduced new life stages & relationships
  • Added text box for cause of death

Implemented features to enhance overall app usability:

  • Limit on Sims per tree
  • Character limit

We understand that limitations aren't always exciting, but as more users create accounts, we want to ensure smooth performance regardless of the number of people accessing the app. To achieve this, we are currently imposing a cap on Sims per tree and characters per detail box. Please note that these restrictions may be scaled back in the future, but for now, we're providing ample room for you to play and weave your stories without overwhelming the servers.