Pancake Tree
Created by TheAwfulGaymer
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This is for the Pancake Household
Status: alive
- Eliza Pancakes - abducted
- Who Knows - child
Bob Pancakes
Status: alive
Pronouns: he/him
Biography: Bob Likes Pancakes
Bob Hates Waffles
Bob does stuffLife Stages: young adult
Occult Types: alien, mermaid, patchy, plant sim, spellcaster, vampire, werewolf
- Eliza Pancakes - married
- Jenny Pancakes - child
- Test Sim - child
- Mr Whiskers - pet
Eliza Pancakes
Status: deceased
Pronouns: any/she/her
Biography: Eliza secretly hates pancakes
Life Stages: adult
Occult Types: spellcaster
- Jenny Pancakes - child
- Test Sim - child
- Mr Whiskers - pet
- Who Knows - child
- Jenny Pancakes - abducted
- abducted - Alien
- married - Bob Pancakes
Jenny Pancakes
Status: alive
- child - Bob Pancakes
- child - Eliza Pancakes
- abducted - Eliza Pancakes
Mr Whiskers
Status: alive
Pronouns: he/him
Biography: The cutest kitty ever
Life Stages: cat
- pet - Bob Pancakes
- pet - Eliza Pancakes
Test Sim
Status: alive
- child - Bob Pancakes
- child - Eliza Pancakes
Who Knows
Status: alive
- child - Alien
- child - Eliza Pancakes